Friday 23 April 2010

The Filming Process

Our origional filming date was organised for March 9th, but unfortunatley we were unable to film as our actress would only be able to film for around half an hour due to other college commitments. We decided as a group that, that wouldn't be long enough, so we recheduled to the following Thursday.

Our first location was the Audition Room. It took a while to get started as we had to clear the room of unwanted props and furniture in order to make the room as beleviable as possible. It also took a while rehursing with our actress Lauren as to wear we wanted her to be positioned and where we were going to position the camera in order to fit the script and storyboard.

This was an interesting experience as it was my first time being there when the filming process took place. As soon as we had sorted the room out and Lauren knew exactly what we wanted her to do it all ran very smoothly. The whole of our group chipped in and made comments as to what we think would make the film more beleviable and that is why I'm confident that our peice is successful.
We then drove to our next location (Hayley's House) to film the remainder of the scenes for our film. Unfortunatley we ran out of time and only got a few of the shots that we hoped to filmed.



Initial Ideas,

Roles, and Ideas,

Brain Storm,

CD Cover,

Draft Script/Script Ideas,




Risk Assessment,

Call Sheet and Schedual,

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